Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Connie has received specialized education and certifications to help clients suffering from OCD. 


Many people may not understand the severity of OCD, thinking of it as simply “liking the picture frames to be straight.”  But there are numerous forms of OCD and ways that it can manifest in a person’s life, often in truly debilitating ways.  OCD can cause a person to become isolated, fearful, trapped, unable to do the things that bring them joy, and even feel disconnected from their authentic selves. 


OCD has two parts: the obsession which is the initial fear, and the compulsions, which are the rituals or behaviors that that serve to calm the anxiety caused by the initial fear.  Even though compulsions are intended to help the person feel better and reduce anxiety, they actually reinforce the obsessions and make the OCD stronger. 

But with the proper interventions, OCD is treatable and manageable.


The “gold standard” of evidence-based treatment for OCD is Exposure and Response Prevention.  Connie is certified in this approach as well as other supportive interventions and modifications to help bring freedom back to the lives of those trapped in the debilitating cycles of OCD.


Let's talk about OCD!



Let's keep talking about OCD!


Even more information about OCD!


